Roberto Vilela

Taboa (Brazil)

I’ve been working for ONGs and governments in Brazil to create institutions and programs focused on poverty reduction, specially helping micro and small businesses. As Executive Director of Tabôa – Community Strengthening I am very excited to be part of the Global Summit on Community Philanthropy, as it will be an excellent opportunity to learn and share good practices. We believe in a collective way of building a new society, so our team is glad to be part of the Summit.

Tabôa is a non-profit organization that promotes community-based initiatives and micro and small businesses, which values the local culture and diversity, and contributes to the creation of sustainability, prosperity and quality of life.

We work in the south coast of Bahia, which represents one of the last frontiers of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil and has one of the richest biodiversities of the World. It has a historic importance for Brazil for its socio-cultural heritage, since it was the first place where Europeans and Africans arrived.

This region suffers from great economic, social and environment problems, caused by a cocoa crises and the unplanned occupation of the territory.

Our main programs are focused on: a) strengthen community-based associations and leaders to enable them to be change makers for a sustainable society and b) strengthen the local economic potentialities such as sustainable tourism, organic agriculture and forest economy.

People Behind the Summit