Concurrent Sessions - Day 2
1. Effective interventions
Preaching the practice and practicing what we preach
What kind of donor interventions benefit the development of community philanthropy / bottom-up development approaches? How can the field be supported in ways that are respectful, recognizing the value of what is already happening on the ground? And, as donors themselves, are community philanthropy organizations ensuring that such values are present in their own activities?
2. Governance
How do we maintain good governance - and #ShiftThePower?
How can a balance be struck between empathetic, trust-based, people-centred systems and more bureaucratic systems of governance and accountability?
3. Narrative & communications
Exploring how language can #ShiftThePower
Language often acts as a barrier helping to maintain the established status quo by making it harder for people to engage on their own terms. From unnecessary technical and legal jargon to exclusionary cultural shibboleths. But how can we embrace the values of community philanthropy, of grassroots plurality, community primacy and our rich multicultural use of language and storytelling to join together and bring about systematic change to the matters that affect us, to shift the power at all levels?
4. Participation & mobilizing people
What happens when everyone is a donor?
Increased participation and mobilizing people is a challenge. Does participatory philanthropy offer an alternative? The hashtag #ShiftThePower leads us to reflect on what power we referring to, where this power really is, who holds it, and why changes are needed. Those are questions to be asked and answered with love, empathy, dialogue, and based on the belief that every one of us is somehow aware of our impact in the community, and recognizing that we can all do something to build a better life for others and ourselves. Join this session to share your thoughts on community philanthropy as a tool for promoting the exchange of perspectives about communities, and a platform for gathering different players around the common good.